O'Sensei Kichiro Shimabuku, 10th dan, is in the center of the picture. He is the head of the Isshin-ryu World Karate Association. He is the son of Tatsuo Shimabuku, the founder of Isshin-ryu Karate.
Next to him is Sensei Pamela Wren, 6th Dan. Sensei Wren has been teaching karate for twenty-seven years. She currently leads a children's class in south Berkeley.
Behind her on the right end of the back row is Karl Rasmussen, 1st Dan, a student of Sensei Wren who has been studying since he was six years old.
On the left end of the back row is Daniel Heath, 3rd Dan, the instructor at Isshin-Ryu of Berkeley and student of Sensei Wren and Matthew Borthwick, 4th Dan.